Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkins, paint, stickers and the zoo!

Walking Julia to school

Been pretty busy since my last post.  Which is good, i like being busy.  You'd think having 4 kids would keep me busy enough, and it does.  But for some reason i like having other things to do, places to go, people to see...sometimes :).  Anyways, let the kids go swimming the other day.  Its been getting kinda cold over night here now, so the temperature of the water has cooled off some.  Its not horribly cold to get into, but still that shock for a min. when it goes above your belly button, and you suck it in and hold your breath because its cold haha.  The girls didnt mind, of course.  Even Ella wanted to go in.  My husband was in with the girls while i stayed inside with the baby.  I didnt feel like getting in anyways.  If it was an in ground pool, i would get in more.  The ladder into the pool freaks me out, and its so much work trying to get dry when you have to get a baby and a toddler dry first and deal with all the soaking wet suits and towels.  And when i go swimming, i like to swim, not just stand there and walk around.  The girls like to chase me and splash and thats fine, but not when i just straightened my hair, i dont want to have to re-do it.  So i let their dad go in, its easier for guys.  About 30 min. later, he is calling for me to come get ella.  She didnt care she was getting out, but she also hadnt complained to get out.  She LOVES the water!  She didnt seem to care that the water was so cold, her legs had turned to a bright red.  She could barely walk when i got her inside because her poor little legs were so cold :(  I spent some time warming her up and getting her into dry clothes.  She thought it was funny i was rubbing her legs lol.  Her normal skin color took 3 hours to return!  
Double french braided the girls hair monday night :)

We also went and checked out Phoenix zoo this past saturday.  Ended up getting a membership because the entry fee to get in ONCE was going to cost us $60!  And thats with the 2 youngest being free.  So it made sense to just get the membership because it was cheaper than 2 visits there.  The girls had fun!  The place is great!  And we only saw half of it lol.  You can rent paddle boats!  Madie was tired of walking and was ready to leave.  We figured we might as well go, we had already spent almost 2 hours there and since we had a membership now and all year round weather to come back, we could do just that.

The girls are so excited for Halloween.  We went to Julia's Monster Mash/fall ball thing at her school on friday, after she had a fun girl scout meeting.  We showed up for the ball only to find out they required tickets.  Tickets that apparently were on sale all week.  Well i had gotten NO INFO on this, i kept waiting for something to be sent home.  I finally asked a teacher on friday, about the ball and she never mentioned needing tickets.  Im so glad we decided to not walk to the school for the ball or we would have had to walk home, to then get in the car and go to an ATM to get the cash to buy the tickets at the door.  The things we do to make our kids happy! :) The girls had fun dancing at the ball.  Madisen of course got tired and didnt feel like dancing anymore.  You'd never know with Julia and Ella that we had past their normal bedtime, they were dancing like crazy!!  Julia saw some friends there, and ran around a little bit them, but for the most part, stayed in a little circle with us and danced.  Boy does she get REALLY into it.  Its hilarious!!  I wish i could have gotten a video! 
The girls all ready for the Monster Mash/ Fall Costume Ball

Not sure if i mentioned before that we showed up to Chick-fil-a on daddy daughter date night.  I kinda laughed because it reminded me of the nasty White Castle having reservations for valentines day....Um gross lol.  But this was actually really cute!!  They had half the restaurant closed off for reservations only.  The food came with dessert and a little gift for the kids, plus they had a horse drawn carriage ride!  That was for anyone, so after we ate ( i got a salad, trying to lose weight!) we all rode the carriage.  The girls were so EXCITED!!  It just went around the parking lot, but it was soooooo cute!  Made me miss horse back riding even more.  I should find a place by me that does that, there is definitely enough horses around here :) 

 Since tomorrow is Halloween, and we have not carved our pumpkins yet...i know i know :(  I decided to let Madie paint hers while Julia was at school and Ella was napping.  Doing it in groups is far less stressful.  When we get home from picking up Julia, i will let her paint her pumpkin, and also let ella paint one of the small ones.  I painted the other small one that is Aubrey's since she cant do it herself this year :)  
Finished results-green dots are cheeks :)

My pumpkin of course :)
 After Madisen was done painted her pumpkin, i let her paint some pictures and then do a sticker project.  Shes had a fun day!  



 Ella and Aubrey have been asleep for over an hour now, so any min. one of them will wake up lol.  Probably the baby since Ella at least takes 2 hours naps during the day.  Also took some great pictures of Aubrey this morning.  She is such a happy baby, just melts my heart!  I love my girls so much!!
Last nights bath

From this morning

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A little here, a little there...Stitches at 3

Ah, i felt awful this morning.  I hate telling people no, even if it inconveniences me, i end up doing it anyways and saying yes.  I must have gotten that from my mom and my nana.  Anyways, i did say no, but still felt bad about it as i was saying it.  My daughters 1st grade teacher came up to me this morning during drop off and asked if i would be willing to organize her thanksgiving feast she has every year.  I had to kindly decline.  I said i really want to, and i will be there to help on the day they have it, even make or bring something, which im sure is what its all about anyways.  But i had to remind her i still have little ones at home and just dont want to take on the responsibility of being the one that puts all that together.  Funny thing, though, is last year i think i would have totally done it. No problem.  But i was more comfortable there, and knew most of the other moms in my child's class.  Plus i got pretty close with her teacher and we are now still friends and talk all the time.  So it wouldnt have been that big of deal for me, last year.  This year though, having just moved here, and really only knowing one other mom.  Ok, i know 3 other kids moms in Julia's class, but only talk to one of them daily.  Plus i dont really know this teacher well.  She is very nice, and i like her, but just havent gotten the level where we communicate much.  And from talking to the other moms, thats how she is.  Thats ok though, i know being a teacher is a lot of work and shes busy.  But anyways, like i said, i will be there on whatever friday she has the feast and i will help! :)

Went to the Chiropractor this morning.  Not sure if we are going to keep this one.  He is a really nice guy and he does the technique that our old Chiro used to use, but i just dont feel cleared when we leave.  He cant get my wrists to feel better, and my neck is still kinda off.  Jeremy says the same thing after this appointment, so i think we will look for one closer to use.  Maybe we have to go through a couple of them to find the one we like the best.  Something i really am not looking forward to!  I hate filling out all that paperwork with kids trying to run around get into things.  Plus, just that first meeting of a new dr. and what not, ugh..i get so nervous and clammy, i hate it!  I miss my old chiropractor!!  We had him since Julia was 6 months old.  So for over 6 years.  When we move back, we are heading straight back to him! lol

Well, Aubrey cat napped in her crib again this morning.  About 15 min. or so.  Then woke up and was awake for awhile.  Ella woke up at 5:30 this morning.  I have no idea why, she is still so tired when she wakes up, but she just wont fall back asleep.  I blame it on her not being a binkie baby.  I got her to lay in her bed until 6 by playing her classical music CD and hoping she would fall back asleep, but she didnt.  Joy!  The baby decided she was going to get up at 1am and again at 5 am.  And she was WIDE awake after her 5 am feeding.  She is just so darn happy and adorable though, how can it not make me smile when she is just beaming up at me :)  Looooong day ahead!

Madisen comes to me with a paper cut from the book "Are you my Mother?" that she was trying to read.  Of course she blames the book and says she is no longer going to read that one lol.  I explained to her its not the book, its how she changes the pages.  Not sure if she believed me or not.  She refuses a band-aid.  She always freaks about them, i think its the taking them off part later that gets her so freaked out.  I usually took them off in the bath anyways when they were less painful, but she can be a drama queen about them.  She was so tough and strong though when she busted her eye- brow open in June 2011, she was 3 years old.  We were playing at a fountain in Oregon that had cement steps and she tends to be a little slow on steps, so her friend, completely by accident, kinda pushed her out of the way to catch up to speedy Julia who was already at the bottom.  And so madie fell and hit her head on the edge of the stair below her.  It was so scary for me!  And of course her!  lol  She was crying and i lifted her up and her face was covered in blood already, man those eye brows can burst open easy!  Luckily we were only a couple blocks from her doctors.  So i had to load up Julia, baby Ella at the time, and a crying scared Madisen, into the car.  This of course happened with in 10 min. of getting there :(  Fountain day was cut short.  We get to her doctors and they cleaned it out but said they dont give stitches there and i had to take her to ER.  GREAT!  I had to call my husband at work, he had to take the rest of the day off, i had to go pick him up so i could leave the other kids at home with him.  I know how long ER visits can take and there was NO way i was bringing other kids to that.  So then we dropped him, Julia and Ella off at home, while i took Madie to the ER.  She had already stopped crying long before that and was being sooooo good.  She hadnt even had any pain reliever and had to keep her bandage on her eyebrow while we did all that driving.  Get to the ER and it must have been a slow day because they pretty much took us right back.  Then a nurse and a doctor come back to look at it and the doc decides that the glue would be better than stitches.  WHEW!  Fine with me! :)  But he still had to get in there and clean it out, which meant pulling it apart a little bit and squirting saline in it to get the dirt out.  Not one tear from Madie.  She just layed there so good.  He had even brought in 2 other nurses to hold her down because he said he usually has to do that when cleaning it out.  He was very impressed with her, and so was I.  What a big brave girl!  She then got a couple otter pops while we waited to get discharged.  But not until i was questioned about how she got hurt like 6 times by many different people.  Ok, i know they have to be thorough to make sure i wasnt abusing her, but it got really OLD explaining it everytime.   Finally after about 3 hours, we got to leave.

At her doc. office shortly after it happened
Not cleaned up yet

Bandage with some numbing cream on it

They glued it and she was all better :)

 Thank goodness that is all that happened to her and it wasnt much worse. I am so grateful for that!  

On a different note, i made some awesome chicken last night.  This was the 3rd or 4th time making this particular kind from a recipe i found on Pinterest.   Its supposed to be like Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets, and it surely was!   Like i said, i had made them before, but last nights were the best.  Ella gobbled them up, and she doesnt even really like the real ones from Chick-fil-a!  Madisen kept saying how much she liked them and she must have because she actually ate them with out having to be reminded to take a bite, chew, and swallow...REPEAT lol.  Julia said they were good too, but shes never really gets excited about meat.  Just like i was as a kid.  Anyways here is the picture and link if you want to make it for dinner too! :) (thats for you mom! i know you're missing it )


Well until next time...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A few morning acitivities

Its been quite the busy morning.  I decided to let Julia get lunch at school today.  They sent a calender home that says what is for breakfast and lunch each day.  They actually have a great menu here with very healthy choices each day and the kids arent allowed to only get like one thing, or a all of one thing.  It teaching them about making healthy choices, which we do at home as well.  She only gets school lunch once or maybe twice a month, but she likes the change.  I need to remember to bring money to add to her account.  Its $2.50 a lunch and $1 for breakfast but shes never eaten breakfast there.  It seems kinda expensive for a school lunch but i dont have a choice, another reason why she doesnt get to get it at school very often lol

Came home from walking Julia to school, served up snack a little bit later as i downed some more coffee lol.  Since Aubrey was playing on the floor in her play gym, i brought out the paper and crayons from the playroom to let Madie and Ella color.  Put Ella in her high chair and she got excited to color!  She did really great with the crayons too!  I think we are almost past the eating crayons stage.
So excited! :)

Proud of her pumpkin!

  There was still like an hour before lunch time, so after they colored a some paper pumpkins, i pulled out the play dough.  Ella actually did really good with that too.  She only had to be reminded a couple times about not eating that too :)  They played with the playdough all the way up until lunch time, PERFECT :)

Put Ella down for a nap and then off to my room to go through some baby clothes that Aubrey has already grown out of, and also go through some clean clothes to put in her drawers.  You wouldnt think that it would take so much time, but baby clothes are small.  And after having 3 girls before Aubrey, the wardrobe is NOT small and takes forever!  Aubrey was in her crib while i was dealing with the clothes, because i knew she was tired.  She kinda started to whine a little bit, but i patted her back for a couple min. and she was out.  Both youngsters are sleeping at the same time again, i hope this continues to be a schedule.  I like this mini break with just Madisen being awake.  Now if only i could get her to take a nap too!  Lol she's only 4 and 1/2, not too old yet.  haha  Speaking of her not being very old, she is right next to me reading books.  Like actually reading most of the words, and sounding out some.  Im so impressed!  All my hard work has and is paying off! :) 

Little Aubrey thinks she is pretty big too.  She isnt even 12 weeks yet, almost, but not yet.  And she is full on rolling over from her back to her stomach.  The earliest any of mine have done that, and my others were pretty early too, but like in the 4th month early, not 2 months! lol  She just did it for the first time on the 21st and now she does it everytime she is on her stomach.  What a big girl!! I pulled out the Bumbo seat for her today.  Decided to see if she could handle it for a few min.  Looking at her sit in that thing, you'd think she was much older than she is.

 I only let her sit in it for about 5 min. while i pulled some chicken out and marinaded it for tonight.  While on the topic of food, i am not going to get Organic bread anymore.  Maybe its the brand or something but i just cant keep up with it molding.  And we go through a lot of bread!  But everytime i get down to the last few slices they are started to mold between the pieces.  I freeze one of the loafs because it will surely go bad if the one in the pantry goes bad with in a week.  UGH, its frustrating!  I think we will go back to our Oatnut bread.

Well so far both babies are still sleeping.  Ella usually takes a 2 hour nap.  Aubrey is hit or miss, especially in her crib.  Going on 45 min. in her crib now though.  She has longer awake periods during the day, so her naps should start to become longer too.  She actually was awake for most of walk to and from Julia's school today.  That was a first! lol  Today was "wear your favorite sport team" day.  So of course i had her, Madie and Ella in the Oregon Ducks gear :) 

Madie says when im typing it sounds like music.  LOL huh??  I know i type pretty fast and she says the sounds of the keys going so fast sound like music.  hmm ok :)  Thanks Madisen! lol  And of course as i finished typing the last sentence, Aubrey has woken up and Madie has brought me a card lol.  Such a sweet card though.  Off to dust and clip the babies nails...

Those are shoulder pads!!  lol

Until next time...

Monday, October 22, 2012

A little outside time...

Well my two youngest are napping at the same time again, so im gonna take a min. to update this.  Apparently with all the help from my friends and family on clicking the ads on my page, they have deactivated my account because they can track where all the clicks are coming from.  SO, if i can get it back, please only click the ads that interest you because of whatever it is advertising.  Thank you! 

Went to the park yesterday afternoon.  I cant believe there wasnt anybody else there!  There rarely is.  Only one other time there has been other people there, and it wasnt even adults.  It was kids, one from julia's class and her brother who was maybe in 3rd grade.  There alone, ugh.  Anyways, took a couple good pictures of all my beautiful girls :) 


Today is beautiful out!  I set up the kids little table outside and let them have lunch outside today.  It wasnt to windy, or hot or anything, so it was perfect.  I packed Madisen her lunch this morning when i made Julia's and i even put Madie's in her lunch box too!  She loved it!  Ella didnt mind she didnt have one, and she loved sitting at the table like a big girl :)  Today was the first morning i had the girls wear a little zip up jacket while walking Julia to school, even though they prob. could have went with out it.  There was just a slight chill in the air, felt great! :)

Im hoping to get Julia's school pictures back today, or at least this week!  I cant wait to see them!  She has girl scouts on friday, right after school.  Then the fall costume ball, hoping to get info on that today too.  Im still not sure we will be doing that ,but maybe.  One of us will take her probably, and since im the more social one, it will probably be me.  But maybe not lol.  Also unpacked the kids fall clothes from last year.  Believe it or not, they will need pants and long sleeves here, at least in the mornings and evenings this winter.  During the day will still be shorts weather lol.   Im pretty sure Julia will need some new pants and a few shirts since she is the oldest and out grows everything by the next year.  Madisen can wear the hand me downs from Julia and so on and so forth for the other girls. 

Ella just woke up from nap.  I swear she grew an inch while sleeping lol  Took her potty to try and go, but no luck. She had already gone in her diaper.  Thats ok though, shes learning :)  I give her one M&M now just for trying, but soon it will only be for actually going on the potty and then eventually turns into only getting one for staying dry and going on the potty.  But by then she will probably get a couple for staying dry :) We need to leave to walk and get Julia in less than an hour.  I dont mind the walk in this weather,  plus it gives me some exercise i might not have been able to squeeze in otherwise. 

I think we are going to wait to do the pumpkin patch until after halloween.  I know, i know..bad mom.  BUT the reason i have for this is because Intel is throwing a huge thing at one of the pumpkin patches/farms here.  One we were thinking about going to anyways but was going to cost us almost $40 just to get into.  And we didnt even want to do all the activities it was paying for.  But since Intel is throwing this thing, we can go and take our time, everything is paid for, including food!  It just makes more sense to me this way.  We have pumpkins from the store to carve and put out but our pumpkin patch pictures will just have to wait.  It will still be fall and im hoping to get a good one to use as our Christmas pictures/cards this year.  I like sending xmas cards.  I cant believe that its almost .50cents to send one thing though.  Thats just crazy!! 

Until next time...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Always first...

Ok, attempt #3 this morning to nap the baby in her crib instead of the swing.  I know shes a cat napper but this is crazy!  Each time she has slept less than 10 min. in her room.  She has got to be tired!  UGH.  She probably isnt used to the quiet in there lol. I put her down before starting today's entry and she is already awake again.  *big sigh*  I did happen to get her first real laugh this morning!!  It was the cutest thing!  She laughed a few times and it just makes me light up. :)  She has laughed a few times before, but only in her sleep.  Whatever could a newborn be dreaming about, let alone laughing at, in their sleep.  I have no idea, but either way, to have it when she was awake and reacting to me trying to get her to laugh, was exciting!! :)

Meanwhile, Julia and Madisen have been playing in her room with her doll house.  Surprisingly, with out any arguing, yet.  They were so awful yesterday with the fighting that they pretty much had everything taken away.  So im thinking this being nice to each other thing is to earn back some their stuff  from yesterday.  Im still struggling with Julia constantly having to RUN everywhere.  "STOP RUNNING!" is all i say to her i swear.  And now Madie, as slow as she is eating, is trying to run to everything too.  "You are not in a race", is another thing im always saying.  Julia has always had this thing about being first.  I know im competitive, but seriously, i wasnt at 6!  And she really hasnt seen me be competitive with others about anything so i dont know why it drives her every move.  Im over exaggerating you say?  Nope, im not lol.  She NEEDS, wants, and forces herself to be first with brushing teeth, going potty, to the top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs, , getting her silverware, finishing a drink, finishing her food.  First to get dressed, first undressed, first to have pj's on, first to the table, first in the car, first out of the car, first to whatever room shes headed to, first for lotion, first to get in the pool, etc.etc..get the point?  Am i still over exaggerating? lol i didnt think so :)  There are a few advantages to her being fast, like if i need her to get more diapers, or a burp rag very quickly, she will do it in a flash!  And im sure when she starts playing competitive sports, it will be great.  Otherwise, it is so much work to keep under control.  It wouldnt matter so much if when she wasnt first she didnt mind, but she does!  I guess she has gotten better from when she used to drop to the floor and cry if she wasnt first.  It still bugs her, but she is more sly about it.  She will speed up and slip between you and the door to enter before you or she will hold Madisen back just far enough she can get in front of her.  But she no longer throws the fits if she isnt first.  Which is good!  It is so mentally time consuming to be watching for that all the time and to make her NOT first more than letting her, to make sure she learns she cant always be in front, and how to handle it when she isnt.  

I cant believe it!  Attempt #4 at getting Aubrey to sleep in her crib is finally working! :)  She has been in there for about 25 min. now :)  The kids all just finished lunch too and Ella is fast asleep in her toddler bed already.  She has only been in there for about 10 min. Which means i have both of my nappers, napping at the same time!! Woohoo!! :) Nap is the easiest and quickest time Ella falls asleep, and doesnt try to get out of her bed.   She loves to nap.  All of mine have at that age, until they are old enough to not really be napping.  Its never been a fight.  I made sure of that.  All the ones i nannied have loved to take naps too.  I believe it has something to do with my strategy, that i will now share with you :)  First, i never make nap time a punishment, and also never make it a time out spot.  I have also always made sure to crib "train" them from an early age, even though i really did want them in the co-sleeper or my bed for much longer, i knew getting them used to the crib early on, is easier than later.  Plus i always wanted the evenings for ME time, and not spending forever getting my kid to finally go to sleep.  How exhausting!  From the time the child is old enough they are on more of a routine for naps, they were in their bed, and they were put to bed sleepy and tired, NOT asleep.  At least after the first few months of life.  That way they learned their surroundings and got used to them.  And most importantly, in my opinion, when the kid wakes up, you go to them when they are happy and talking to be up.  I know the whole saying of "well, they arent crying, so just leave them" is out there, BUT i believe that waiting until the child is crying is only teaching them that they have to cry in order to get out of bed.  So then they learn to just cry when they wake up so that someone will come get them.  I always go in their room with a smile on my face and happy to see that they are awake (even if i wished they had slept longer lol).  So anyways, those are my steps i have used for many many years, and not just with my own kids.  It has produced all of them running to their rooms to head up for nap at nap time! :) I sure wish i could still get to nap!
Napper 1

Napper 2

Well i should be taking this time to clean or something, but i really think i will just rest for a little while.  My other girls are home and awake, so i cant take a nap, but oh how i want to! :)  But just not having to nurse, or change a diaper for a little while is relaxing :)  

It sure is a windy and sunny day today.  I LOVE it!  Its still weird to walk around and see all the Halloween decorations up and it be sunny and warm out, not overcast and rainy.  A little bittersweet i guess :)  

Oh yeah, Julia's little pie baking went great.   I was the first mom to show up.  She said be there at 2, so i was 5 min. early.  Then another mom showed up a few after 2, but the other 2 that came showed up at like 2:30.  Really?  Whatever.  And also, barely anyone had given supplies for it.  We brought pie crust and capri suns (both on the list to bring) and nobody else brought pie crust.  There were a few things for the filling and then just more capri suns.  It all worked out but what a close call on the crust, and i almost didnt get it lol.  The teacher could have also given more time.  We got the flyer for the pie on wed. and they made them friday.  Oh well, like i said, it all worked out.  

Got my potty training supplies i need to start working on Ella more.  Pull-ups and M&M's lol  I can just tell she is going to need those candies to get the process going and probably finished haha.  She is so much like Julia, so it will be interesting to see how much she changes over the years.  I have about a weeks worth of diapers left for her, then its GO TIME!  I hope i can keep my track record of having them all done before 2 years old.  We'll see though....this one is STUBBORN!  She is an awesome big sister already though!! 

Until next time...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Where does the time go?

My baby was 11 weeks old on Wed.  Geez, where the time go??  I cant believe she will be 3 months old soon!  Ella, my almost 20 month old will be running out of diapers soon, and will then be into pull ups.  Thats when the potty training fully starts.  I've already taken her many times, and we talk about it during the day.  But the effort on my part isnt starting more until pull ups.  Some may say, she still young, etc etc.   But potty training is my area, whether i like it or not.  And i dont lol.  When i worked at Kindercare thats what i did.  The last 2 years i worked there, i had the PRE preschool age.  I had the 2-3 years old.  Ten of them in fact.  As they were potty trained or turning 3 they were moved out into preschool.  They couldnt leave my room until they were fully potty trained though.  I always had them all potty trained by 3.  They would then take all my kiddos and put them in preschool and give me a whole new set of almost 2's or 2 year olds that had to be potty trained.  This was a grueling task but after awhile it becomes a routine.  I sat on my little stool, had a child in front of me, sent them to the mini sized toilet to TRY and potty, and then brought them back, gave them a pull up and sent them on their way.  On to the next kid.  After 10 kids, which was about 30-45 min. later.  I would pretty much have to start all over again, since i took them hourly.   So NOT looking forward to starting that all over again with Ella.  BUT i do believe that potty training a child is more about the parents consistent effort and guidance,  than waiting until the child is ready.  All mine and the ones i nannied were fully done and in underwear by 2.  Julia being the latest, right before her 2nd birthday.  Jack and Lucy and Madie were done at 20 months!  Ella is prob. going to be more like Julia and be closer to her 2nd birthday, she is a stubborn one!!  Might have to do the old M&M reward thing with her, when stickers worked with the rest haha.

Today i get to go to Julia's school at 2 pm to help with pie baking.  Im hoping enough of the parents come to help their own kid that i dont have to have a lot of other kids in my group.   I havent really bonded with any of her classmates this year.  Not like last year when her BFF i just love, and her whole class would give me a high five on the way to their class after the teacher came and got them.  It was soooo cute!  But its still pretty early this year.  Im kinda excited to go to Julia's class and help though, i didnt really do that last year.  I had a baby (Ella) at home and was pregnant and was just NOT feeling it!  I did take home tasks from the teacher though, so i did help in a way :)  She always gave me the BIG ones too, she knew i would return them faster than the other mom helpers lol. And i was happy to help in some way.  They only took one field trip last year, im glad i went on that.  Im so glad those things fall on the days that my husband is home from work and can watch the other kids while i get to go.  He would go, but he doesnt want to have other people's kids in his group that hes responsible for.  You'd think he wouldnt mind since we have enough of our own kids, but thats just it, they are OURS.  I always dreamed of getting to go with my kids on their school adventures and stuff so im hoping Julia will get a field trip or two this year.  No word on any yet though.  

I asked one of the moms about the kindergarten here.  I guess its full day and its free!  Im pretty happy about that, i just hope its not too long of a day for Madisen.  She is going to end up passing out way before bed probably lol.  I'll have to start training the slowest eater EVER on how to hurry up as well because you dont get 45 min. or more to eat lunch at school.  She will probably end up starving the first week until she finally understands you have to speed up and eat to get it down in the time frame they give you.  Here, at home, she takes FOREVER!  Unless its something she really really likes, havent had in awhile, or is extremely hungry.  Otherwise, its a constant thing to tell her to take a bite, chew, swallow...and REPEAT!  With pretty much every bite....it sure gets old!  Its gotten a lot better over time.  This time last year, every meal, except breakfast, was a struggle with Madie. She also has a large imagination, so instead of eating, she's playing around.  Her fingers are "spiders" and are always doing something instead of eating!  I swear that child would be on a feeding tube if it werent for me lol.

Got a flyer yesterday about Fall costume ball next friday, still waiting on more info about that.  Wondering if its for all siblings too, or just her.  Probably just her.   Im also waiting to get her school pictures back.  She took them the last week of September, so i thought i'd get them back by now.  They were re-takes because we didnt get to this school or state until after the first set of pictures had already been taken.   Im always nervous about how the pictures will turn out.  Especially this year because she wanted to wear a headband.  Im working on not controlling so much about what she wears and how she wants her hair, so i let her wear the headband.  So many things can go wrong wearing a headband in school pictures lol.  The pictures arent even taken the min. you get to school so who knows how it will look and if her hair was laying ok.  *sigh* We will see!  We wont get another shot at pictures this year, so either way, its gonna be the framed one lol.  

Well the baby is waking up from her cat nap in the swing.  It might have something to do with Ella being near here with some Tinkerbell dominos that she is clanging together quite loudly.  She always likes to say, more like yell "HI BABY, HI AUBEY" as soon as the baby falls asleep.  She isnt using her R's quite yet, but she can say a lot of things already!  And she sure loves her baby sister, which is so awesome! :)  I think i'll start to nap Aubrey in her crib a little more and maybe that will help with her waking so often. She is approaching the age of taking like 3 naps a day, instead of just randomly passing out through out the day haha.  Ahhh, they grow so fast!
Happy Friday!!

Until next time...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not Safe!

I totally forgot, the biggest difference i've seen here yet.  Kids, no matter the age here, are just wondering around on their own.  It freaks me out!  With the exception of a few parents that actually walk their kids to school and the few that stay to hang out until their kid is in their class room.  But otherwise like 95% of kids here do things all by themselves.  They ride their bikes in the street to school, with no helmets.  And im not talking about living across the street.  We live a half mile from the school and their are tons of kids that go by themselves from our street.  Even a couple kindergarteners!  There are bike lanes, but c'mon, kids that have no adult supervision arent going to use them properly, and they DONT.  My heart has skipped a beat in a panic more than once watching some kid almost get it by a car.  The no helmet thing just kills me.  These are kindergarteners and elementary school kids just riding bikes and scooters to school with no helmets!  I dont care if there is a no helmet law here, it should only apply to 18 and over then, because a little child who isnt being cautious in the STREET is going to need that helmet!  Law or no law, my child(ren) has a helmet and will wear it every time she is on her bike!  But then again, i also walk my kid to school and wait until i see her teacher before i leave.  They line up outside here, when the bell rings, the teachers then comes outside to get her set of students that are all lined up.  This is a great way to meet other parents who parent somewhat the same.  Because those parents are also waiting, until the teacher comes out, to leave.  The playground is not completely fenced, and while i trust Julia to not run off from the school, i do NOT trust that some psycho isnt going to come and take my child.  Better to be safe, than sorry! 

Friday is going to be pie baking day in Julia's classroom!  I'll be there to help, and we already have our items we are donating to help bake those pies!  They also have a cookie dough fundraiser coming up and a Fall ball.  Not sure i want to participate in the fundraiser, just because this is a new city and we dont know many people.  I may have Jeremy take it to his work and ask around, and possibly my friend that lives here as well, IF she wants :)  No details on the Fall ball or whatever its called, it just said to "save the date", so i guess details to come. 

Today Madisen has her 2nd ballet/tap class.  Last week they were closed for fall break.  She is soooo excited!  And i have to admit, i am too.  I just love watching her through the 2 way glass into her room.  She is so cute, and always has a smile on her face when she is there.  If it werent for her complete interest in dancing, i wouldnt have signed her up again, but it really is a passion of hers.  Lets see if it remains that after she gets to the older classrooms that have more instruction built into them...haha.

Well...until next time...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Some differences that take getting used to...

Last night made me wonder if this slight cold i have been fighting might actually be allergies.  Its probably not, but it carries all the symptoms that it could be.  My eyes were watering and itching like crazy, burning itchy.  I sneezed about 10 times in like 15 minutes, slight runny nose and somewhat of an itchy scratchy throat.  Problem is, everyone in my family has a cold. Maybe mine is both lol :)

Im starting to feel a little more settled here now. I guess i should have already been to that point since we moved in 2 months ago but i finally started to hang things on the wall.  Pictures here and there in the living areas.  So it makes it feel more like our home :) I made sure to get stuff on the walls in the girls rooms right when we moved in, since i wanted them to be comfortable sooner rather than later. You know whats great about my kids?  They really havent shown any signs of being scared to live in a new city, and house.  Some may say they dont fully understand that they live so far away now.  But they do.  At least Julia and Madisen do anyways.  We talked to them long before we started packing our old place, and continued to talk about the whole process of moving here.  They have grandparents that live far away so they know about needing a plane to fly and see people. The girls were actually excited about the move too.  I think because we made sure to always show them we were excited too.  I explained its ok to miss our friends and family in Oregon, but its also ok to be excited about our new adventure, even if others were sad.  We will keep in touch.  And we have, so far, to the best of our abilities :)  Now that we are more settled, the girls will be able to write their friends some letters and send them.  

Sending mail from here is different than we are used to though.  We live in a subdivision that has multiple mail boxes in one unit at the end of the street, only problem is, it doesnt have a mail slot to leave mail to be sent.  This has really bugged me!  I dont have a car half the week and the closest USPS blue drop box is over 5 miles away. After complaining about this amongst ourselves for a few weeks, we learned that identity theft was so bad in this state, that they took the mail slot option away for protection.  Whatever :)  Fine, i've had to remember to send it to work with my husband or wait until a day he is off to send something.  I know i should get with the times more and just use online billing, which we do for some things, BUT it also scares me to just have money come out of the account.  When i find the time, i can organize a list of bills and what days they would come out of the account and keep track of it like that.  Like everyone else lol  

Besides the mail box thing, pumping our own gas, taxes and the weather, there are still some major differences here.  People either drive way to fast (i have no problem with this lol) or they drive incredibly SLOOOOW.  You would think i would be used to this coming from Oregon where the speed limit is 55 mph max..ugh.  But im talking about people deciding to do 45 on the freeway.  NO reason..just because.  The posted speed limit here is 65 so 45 is just unacceptable!! Or people who decide to do 25-30 in a 45mph zone, and there is no way around them. 
The water is 'hard water' here, i HATE that!  Ya know when you go to unload the dishwasher and there is still some water pooled up on a cup or something?  Well it already makes a white ring here from the water.  We cant just drink it from tap, its nasty!  I know, i know, i came from a state that has the best drinking tap water in the country, so i was spoiled.  Definitely different feel to my hair and skin too after a shower, so it didnt take long before we installed water filters on the showers to protect the kids as well :) We have a huge bottled water thing that we use to fill or own water bottles and drink from those.
Places are way more spread out as well.  They will put a bunch of stores together on a big lot, but from that group stores to the next...is kinda spaced out.  You can have a nice subdivison and right next to that is a couple houses with a lot of land and a bunch of horses, or goats, or cows, and then a gorgeous subdivision right next door again.  It made me laugh at first...i was like WTH?  Its probably just in the city i live in tho, since its so new.  Unlike Phoenix or something.  I am used to the farms and homes with land being further out of the city, like portland to Banks kind of space between them. 

The turning lanes are kinda weird here too.  If i had a picture i could explain it better. So until i take a pic, i wont go into detail.  Actually if i had a picture i wouldnt NEED to go into detail, you would know what im talking about! lol

The weather is getting so beautiful here.  Not gross hot, but still kinda hot.  There was a crisp cool feeling this morning when we walked Julia to school.  Not quite cool enough to need a little jacket or zip up or anything but i can see how in the coming weeks it definitely will be cool enough for that.  I cant wait to wear my Oregon Ducks hoodie, and represent! hehehe  Unlike a whole day of wearing in OR, it will only be a morning thing here.  Back up to the 70's or higher by noon.  Not complaining!!!

Have a great Wednesday!  Until next time... 
A smile from this morning :) 11 weeks old today!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Cinderelly cinderelly...night and day Cinderelly.... 

Today i feel like Cinderella, except she got the pretty hair and clothes for the ball.  Im still in rags lol.  I keep telling myself i'll get a few new ones after i lose some weight.  Slowly but surely im getting there.  Down 9lbs so far.  Not much, and i have a lot more to go, but people keep saying that its harder after each baby, and boy are they right!! 

5 am, i wake up to my husbands alarm.  Then the baby wakes up, and i realize she has slept the whole night!! I was excited, and it was much needed because im still fighting this little cold and congestion.  DING DING DING 6:15am and you would have thought another alarm had went off.  Julia gets up to pee, followed by Madie and Ella into the living room.  *sigh*  My day starts.  Now dont get me wrong, i LOVE LOVE LOVE my kids but i was really hoping that this would be the morning they sleep in until 7 or so.  I wanted a little time with my baby.  And so it begins...
  • Changed kids diapers
  • Made kids breakfast
  • Made kids a smoothie
  • Made myself coffee!! 
  • Rocked baby to sleep and put her in her crib for the first time!
  • Gave snack, reheated my coffee:)
  • Showered Julia and Madisen
  • Put on a little dance party (i ran off to take a quick shower) 
  • hung some shelves and a mirror
  • baby woke up (total cat napper) 
  • Changed more diapers, took Ella potty 
  • heated my coffee AGAIN lol
  • Made lunch, including preparing Salmon for dinner
  • unloaded/re-loaded dishwasher
  • Put Ella down for a nap
  • Mopped the floor , i love my Libman Mop
Im realizing now that this list only contains a couple things different than my normal everyday routine. hmm.  I guess i just feel like Cinderella because of the rag clothes thing.  Im tired of only being able to fit a few things.  But thats why im working on it! :)

You know how some days you just start going,going,going and you end up getting so much done and it wasnt even that big of deal?  It was kinda like that this morning.  I had the energy to do it, so i did.  I like to get a lot done. And its so much easier to get things done when my husband isnt here, why is that?! lol Anyways, I have an insecurity that people look down on me because im overweight.  That they think im lazy and that i just sit and eat fast food/junk food all day.   Probably why i end up saying all that i've done today.  Dont worry, i'll try not to make a habit out of it, even though i already kinda have :)

So, my 1st grader has been on fall break (intersession) since the 1st of October and she FINALLY goes back tomorrow haha.  She's actually becoming quite the helper, so im actually somewhat sad she goes back.  Im starting to let her help with chores by sorting and putting away her own laundry.  It may not seem like much, but it sure feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders letting her do that.  I feel like there is just never enough time for me to get to the stacks of clothes.  I fold what goes in the kids drawers, but shirts, dresses, and tank tops, get hung up in the closet.  So i always have a stack on their dresser of what needs to be hung up.  By the time i get them all put away, i've done more loads of laundry and have another stack.  UGH.  You dont even want to see MY room haha.  Thats where the mess is.  Laundry on my dresser than needs to get hung up, piles of baby clothes she has grown out, and another bin of stuff she fits and needs to be organized.  Not my priority right now though.  Keeping their rooms and play room clean and organized along with the kitchen have a higher rank. 

The kids have all been pretty good so far today.  That may one reason i was in the mood enough to get extra done.  Even got some pictures of them all being sweet with baby Aubrey while she was enjoying her playgym.  I love that thing BUT i have to monitor crazy monkey Ella cause she loves get down there with Aubrey.  She doesnt quite know how to lay down NEXT to the baby with out crushing her in some way.  So i gotta be there to protect her :)

Remember how my kids make me a million cards a day?  Well by the end of this, i've gotten 2 from Julia and Madisen that say "i love you so much mommy".  Its so sweet!  Even after ive gotten mad at them i still receive those.  Julia will sometimes bring me a picture she drew of herself crying, when she is sad or mad at me or Madisen hahaha.  I think its funny...lol Oh i get tons of paper with fabric scraps cut and glued onto paper, what am i gonna do with those? (they go into the garbage,shhhh)  They just love to use scissors and glue!

Until next time...