Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spider meets the vacuum

I've been doing this new work out called INSANITY.  And ive been doing really good at it, and keeping up doing it daily as hard as that is to find the time.  BUT today, im updating this blog, doing laundry, among other things, and packing my bag for Vegas!  I'll get back to that later.

This morning started out eventful when i found a big A** spider in the kids bathroom.  That is the 2nd one in the last couple weeks, and only in their bathroom.  They are mutants here!  HUGE!  Even my husband agreed that the last one was very large, when i called him to kill it.  But of course he was at work when i found the one from this morning.  As most or all of you know, i HATE spiders!!!!  The bigger they are, the worse my fear is!  This was big, brown and hairy, so nasty.  I got all worked up trying to kill it somehow.  I was trying to stay strong for my kids, but they saw right through me lol.  I was figuring out how to get if off the girls showers curtain and into the toilet when it started on the move.  UGH, i hate when they are creepy crawling when you want to get them.  He went behind the toilet and i couldnt find him.  Which of course is making me sweat and freak out cause im not about to let my kids go pee in there now!  2 of them still hadnt gone since waking up, the baby was starting to cry cause she was hungry, i hadnt made breakfast or Julia's lunch.  So after about 45 min. (yeah yeah) i get the vaccum cleaner.  If this spider had been smaller, i would have been able to get it and throw it in the toilet but with the legs and body it was almost the side of my palm.  NO THANK YOU!  So i get the vaccum out, but of course as soon as i get close the thing takes off in a sprint towards the tub again.  So about 15 min. after that i try again, determined to get him because now its almost time for Julia to leave for school, the baby was fed, BUT my 2 oldest still needed to pee.  And i know if i took my eyes off him any longer, he would be long somewhere when i came back and i can not have that happen.  I took the hose from the vacuum and went to him very slowly since he is obv. smart enough to run.  I got him this time.  I also wouldnt shut off the vacuum for 15 min. so i knew he wasnt crawling back out! hahahah  I vacuumed the kids room after i got him, then dumped it, and vacuumed the living room.  He better be dead!  

So now that the vacuuming is out of the way :)  I did some laundry.  I needed to so that i could pack a few things for Vegas tomorrow.  IM sooo excited to go!  I havent been in over 7 years.  Im kinda sad though too cause i've never gone a full day/night with out seeing my kids!  I completely trust their dad to handle all 4 of them, which isnt the problem.  And im totally fine leaving the older ones for a couple days lol.  But i feel like my little baby Aubrey is going to miss me.  Shes is my little momma's girl.  She hangs with me all day, most of the time, on my hip while i cook, or im sitting near her while she plays.  I know it will be good for her to not have me being the only one that puts her down for a nap or feeds her.  But im going to miss her soooo much!!  My kids have only spend the night away from me, when i was in the hospital having one of their siblings but even then my parents would bring them up to visit. Julia has spent the night at her aunts house once, and that was totally fine.  Shes at the age where im totally fine with her staying a night at her aunts, grandparents, or her best friends house.  I know its probably odd for those reading this to think that i've gone that long with out leaving them anywhere, but its thats just how i am.  I love having my kids around.  And i know the older they are, the more willing i am and will be to apart from them on occasion.  Its just when they are little like Aubrey, and even Ella's ages that i have a hard time leaving them.  Having said that, once im there, im sure i'll be fine.  Mommy needs a break, and some BFF time!  Since neither of us gambles, it wont be an expensive trip at all :)

Not sure what else to update on since my last blog.  Ella is now potty trained! :)  I've hung out with a friend from down the street.  We went to a drink and paint studio last weekend.  That was a blast, i hope we can do that again someday.  I'll pick something more challenging to paint :)  And in March we are going to a glass blowing place with a Groupon we got.  That is going to be a blast too!!  

I hear Ella is up from her nap now, so i must cut this short.  I sure hope this rain, yes i said rain, stops here soon, since i need to walk to go get Julia in an hour.  GOTTA GO!

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