Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I DID IT! plus "WINTER" wonderland FUN

I did it! I did it! I finally tackled my closet.  Phew!  Feels so good to walk in there and not have 2 huge boxes with hangers and clothes i never wear draping all over the boxes lol.  Also cleaned the bathroom tub and counters, sink, etc.  Found a spider in the process of putting clothes away.  Those that know me, know i HATE spiders with a passion.  It boarders on arachnophobia but not quite so bad.  Since Aubrey was napping in her crib and Ella was napping in her room, which is on the other side of my closet wall, i had to be quiet.  And i was :)  I calmly walked my shirt over to the tub where i turned on the faucet and rinsed it down the drain.  Which of course i then closed to make sure it didnt crawl back out! lol  The spiders here have different markings than the spiders im used to back home, so they creep me out a little more than usual.  Anyways...mission accomplished!!  Closet and bathroom FINALLY organized.  Now its time for a ton of laundry.  Bleh.

Last saturday we attended the winter wonderland thing that Intel put on at one of the farms out here.  It was a lot of fun!  We spent 3 hours there and that was plenty! lol  Free food, but of course all the food lines were always crazy long, and since this is Arizona, it was hot standing in the sun.  Good thing we got there when it opened, and lunch was the first we got.  Barely had to wait in line for that and most of the stuff the kids went on were short lines too.  As we walked around and more people showed up, the lines were ridiculous!  The whole 'eat as much as you want thing' went out the window because there was no way either of us was going to go through a line like that more than once with 4 kids.  

After lunch the first thing the girls wanted to do, was ride a pony.  No problem, short line and it was right next to the lunch area.  SWEET! :) 

Then off we went to see and do everything there was to offer.  There was a few little kid rides like you would find at a fair.  Julia willingly went on these, but did NOT like how high they went.  Madie of course, loved it!  They got to control if it went up or down, and madie is smiling and making it go up.  And we see Julia, with huge eyes and yelling at madie that they are high enough and to make it go down!  We couldnt help but laugh.  These are rides are for 5 and under!  But she got to go on anyways lol.  

Then we spot the roller coaster.  I was sure Julia did not want to ride that!  It reminded me of the one at Oaks Park in Portland, but this shorter in height and was made of metal.  Thank goodness, that wooden one scares me! lol  Jeremy convinces the girls to sit in front, i did not think this was such a good idea, knowing how Julia feels about rides and heights and everything.  So of course after the roller coaster goes up, it must go down.  It starts it decent and i hear Julia screaming, not from excitement or joy, but from pure horror.  Then i see her face as they go around and she is balling her eyes out and her face is all red and i feel awful!  I should have told them not to sit in the front.  At this point i realize she has to go around two more times.  Here comes round two, she screams again and is kinda crying this time when i see them go around.  Im almost in tears now knowing she has to go around again.  She doesnt seem as bad as they start the 3rd go around.  Still, I hear her scream as they start to decent but this time no tears and actually as smile on her face as it comes to a stop.  She said she had fun, so i guess i can feel a little bit better about her being scared to death for the first half of it lol.  She points to the swings that a fair would have, and says i am NOT riding those.  Too bad, the swings were always one of my favorite rides!  Oh well.  As for Madie and the roller coaster... she was stoked to get on, she was happy riding it, and would definitely do it again.  Thats my girl! :)
Thumbs UP!  We did it!

Next was a petting zoo, some huge ground pillows to jump on, watched some pig races, got a tiny scoop of ice cream, but passed on the corn maze.  We were going to ride the train but the line was long, as well as the line for the hayride.  I didnt want to leave the stroller, and by this time we had already been there over 2.5 hours and it was getting pretty warm out.  

Had a baby chicken using this pig as a pillow lol

They started head butting after i took this

Started to relieve its massive bladder while i was taking this picture..haha

These things were awesome!
I wanted to go on it too!

The pig race was adorable! :)
Before we headed home, we had to make sure and stop at the pumpkin patch!!  They tried to make it like you were walking around where the pumpkins grew, but there were no vines attached to them and the small field was a little to perfect to have grown pumpkins in it.  No biggie, still had some pumpkins and the girls liked walking around and picking them up.   At least we didnt have to worry about tripping over a vine or stepping on a rotting pumpkin!  Although i do still love the Oregon pumpkin patches better :) 

pretty empty pumpkin patch


One more stop before it was time to leave.  The big tube slides!  The girls walked the mini hike to get up to these things while we waited at the bottom to take pictures and stay with the stroller full of sleeping kids lol
Yay for free Intel activities!  The girls had a blast!!!  

The girls loved the pumpkin ice cream! :)
The train we never rode but wanted to!
Until next time...


  1. Great pictures! Looks like fun, 3 hours sounds perfect haha

    1. Thanks was just the right amount! :)

  2. wow I am impressed that all 4 girls made it 3 hrs with out one pooping out :) Just shows how great of a time they were having!!!! Darlene
