Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Short notice

This morning was pretty chilly outside.  I loved it!!  It was only 60 out or something and i thought it was great.  Sunny and beautiful.  Everyone here is so used to it being so hot that they acted like this 60 degrees was 30 and they needed parka's or something.  hahaha  It was actually kinda humorous when i dropped Julia off at school.  Everyone saying how cold it was over and over again..."oh my gosh, its so freezing out this morning", i heard many times in a few minute period.  It made me smile, "this is your freezing cold" i thought.  And i dont even come from an area that really gets THAT cold, but still.  60 degrees in November is pretty nice and would require a hoodie, capri's and flip flops in Oregon (if it werent raining and colder)  Another beautiful thing we saw while walking my daughter to school, was a Coyote.  Yes i said beautiful :) It just ran right past us!  No biggie, headed somewhere i guess.   People out walking, kids on their bikes...didnt matter, everyone didnt seem to care much :) 

While starting my walk home, minus one kid, a friend of mine yells from across the street " are you coming to my house later today!?"  Uh, huh?  " what are you talking about, for what?"  I say.  Come to find out, Julia has a girl scout meeting today, at her house, after school.  Lovely.  I have no car, she lives a mile from the school, which means 2 miles from me.  So almost 4 miles total to and from. 4 miles may not seem like much, and it isnt much, for me.  But to have to walk that with miss Madisen, is going to be a PAIN!  Its only supposed to be 77 here.  Which is perfect because they have barely any humidity so it will be great.  But its still the sun beating down on us which feels hot.  I thought about skipping the meeting but they are decorating Christmas tree ornaments that they are going to sell at the school holiday bizarre in a couple weeks.  Plus, she only has one meeting a month, so i'd hate for her to miss it.  The whole reason i signed her up for this girl scout troop was because it was a 'meet on friday' troup, and that worked with my schedule.  UGH.  I hate having these things thrown on me last min.

My cute little pottier in training :)

So now i have to interrupt Ella's potty training to deal with this.  Wouldnt seem like a big deal but she has been dry all day and i hate to throw her in a pull up.  But i will because im not going to be trying to take her potty in a new place, this early in her training.  Also, a home that will be packed full of strangers to her and myself and i dont need the added stress of it all.  So, after finding all this out, i come home, deal with the regular routine of snack and lunch and nap the little girls.  Fit a quick shower in, start dinner in the crockpot since i knew i wouldnt be able to have much time after walking home later, and then decided to start this blog entry :)  Ella has woken up since i started this, and she was dry, and went pee on the potty!  Maybe she isnt going to be near as stubborn as i thought she was!! :) 

Well, time to go prepare little baggies of snack for the kids after school, because we wont be returning home for snack.  I really wish i had a car during the week, or a golf cart, or even a horse and buggie at this point! lol 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. yeah not have the second car is pretty hard, takes a lot more planning that's for sure!!! Someday we will get the "big red" through DEQ ;) Darlene
