Saturday, October 13, 2012

Always Awake

AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!  Ok...all better now.  My monkey a.k.a my 19 month old woke up again at 6 am.  Ugh i dont get it!  I guess it could be worse but when the baby doesnt sleep very well and i've been up for a few hours in the middle of the night, it really sucks when the "alarm" goes off so early.  But all my girls do wake up happy, and going in her room to get her in the am to such a beautiful happy smiling face, can make it a little better. :)  Until you hear the bedroom doors of the older two and know that the whole house is awake and its not even 7 am.  A few minutes later the demands of food are being said over and over and over.  "Mommy, im hungry" is something that echo's off these walls far to often for my liking :) . I joke with them that they are going hungry for today lol.

As i sit here writing this my head is full of what i should be doing instead.  Emptying the dishwasher, cleaning off the table of crumbs from the kids breakfast, mopping the floor (after monkey is down for a nap of course), etc.  And i will get to those things, eventually lol.  But when i finally have a min. between diaper changes and rocking the baby to sleep, i feel like sitting and relaxing.  But usually put laundry away or start laundry.  There is always laundry.  10 min. later, the baby wakes up.  Newborns are supposed to sleep longer than this!! haha

Last night there was another cricket just crawling across the floor.  I used to like crickets, i used to think they were cute and didnt mind hearing them outside.  Of course im referring to the time when i lived in Oregon, and called them grass hoppers :)  Here, in Arizona, i HATE crickets!  They take over and are surely climbing to be slightly below my hatred for spiders.  They have all sorts of speeds and pitches for their "lovely" chirping.  And a group of them decide to sit outside my bedroom window chirping at the speed of a freaking alarm like a bomb is about to go off!  Try falling asleep to that!!  It was worse though, when we first moved into this house there was a small hole in the corner of the bedroom that went straight outside and we woke up to a couple crickets roaming our bedroom each morning.  That must have been when my hatred for them started.  After setting up and filling the pool, they seemed to have moved on, mostly.  Not sure if its the body of water in our backyard that made them leave, or scorpions have finally come to do their job.  Either not hanging out a night, so i dont care if the scorpions are having a feast in my backyard or not.  The chirping has pretty much stopped so that makes me happy :)

Is it wrong to get annoyed at the amount of cards and drawings my kids make me?  That was bad to even say, wasnt it? lol  I literally get at least 10 a day from each of my older 2.  I cant keep them all, and dont, but they really are such great artists that i have a hard time throwing them away.  Even when they are always the same thing, same drawing, same words, maybe different order.  My 4 year old, Madisen, is pretty much reading.  Her writing skills are through the roof and she can sound out most 3 letter words already.  Same goes for my oldest, Julia, who is also very ahead of the game when it came to reading and writing.   I recieved 4 pictures just this paragraph alone! lol  I can say though, that Julia is changing hers up a bit.  She drew a penguin, and then a cat chasing a mouse into a mouse hole.  Madie copied by drawing quite a good penguin herself too! 

Baby is awake, has been for the last 10 min. in the swing.  Doors are slamming, crayons getting into monkey's (Ella) hands and its time for snack.  So until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Someday when the girls are grown you'll find yourself missing the moments you're having now. To me that's one of the reasons grand children are so special. It brings back the things that seemed like they would always be there to enjoy when in fact they don't last long enough and you get another chance to enjoy those moments that will soon be gone again.
