Kinda random lol
My view every morning... |
Of course its my view every morning! Because at least one of my kids has woken me BEFORE the sun comes up lol. But i think i've complained about that enough lately. We all know im up earlier than i want to be! I just try to tell myself that someday when they are all older..i may in fact miss it. Maybe....
My youngest, now 10 weeks old, is sleeping 8 hours a night! Her night starts earlier than mine, so its not a full 8 hours for me, but still, i'll take it! She is such a good baby and i couldnt say that enough, she really is! Which i am sooooo grateful for! Those that dont know, she was conceived with an IUD in place, so shes my little miracle baby :) I did not want another one yet, or so close to my 19 month old. I knew i did not want them that close because from experience of being a nanny and having their kids and mine all with 10-13 months from the next one. 4 kids under 4 ... CRAZY!! So when i learned i was pregnant again so soon, it was hard to come to terms with it. I also felt awful because here i was trying to PREVENT it, and i had 2 friends who were trying to get pregnant. I went back and forth on when the right time was to tell them. I wasnt sure how they would take it but when i did tell them, they seemed fine :) My last 2 are close in age, but i think they will be best friends too! All my girls are wonderful sisters. They fight sometimes, but they genuinely care for each other. Even Ella, my 19th month old, is a great big sister! Always wants to give the baby a kiss and her face just lights up when we let her "hold" her little sister Aubrey. Makes it all worth it! :) Hey, how did i get so distracted on my kids again?? LOL
Madisen, Aubrey and Ella |
Madisen |
Aubrey- 10 weeks old |
Julia |
Still hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend. We were supposed to go last thursday BUUUUUT the kids lost the chance to go that day because they continued to be naughty. We did end up getting a few pumpkins from the store so i could decorate the front porch with them. I still want to go to the pumpkin patch though for the experience. Although there are very few patches here that still keep the pumpkins on the vines. And those patches are further than i want to drive. So we will be going to one that already has them picked from the field. Oh well. Another thing that kinda sucks about the pumpkin patches here, is that you have to pay to get in, then everything is included, except pumpkins. With 4 kids all different aged, i dont want to pay for all the activities, i may not WANT to do all of them. Let me pick which ones we want to pay for by how much time we have to do them. So its like $8-10 a person! Some have parents only paying $3, but then kids over 12 months pay. Some have it $8 a person and 2 and under are free. Either way..its going to cost us $32-36 for the pumpkin patch. I miss being able to just go and wonder around and pick a few pumpkins, go on a hay ride, play on the hay stacks that are FREE, and go home. Well, at least i know, no matter what, we wont have to bring our rain gear to go pick pumpkins! lol It was actually pretty nice this morning when i went out back to take that picture of the sun coming up. A coolness to the air instead of being punched in the face with heat no matter what time of night it was. According to the nights are supposed to drop in the 50's and even 40's pretty soon. So we may in fact need a little zip up jacket when walking Julia to school. A nice change especially since by the afternoon it will be into the 80's :)
A car, a car, a car! I wish i had a car!! lol I dont think my days would be so long if i could load the kids up and go somewhere in the car sometimes. We try to make it to the park, that is easily with in walking distance, but sometimes with all that is going on here, we dont even end up doing that. When Ella takes a nap today, i think we will go front and the big girls can draw with chalk, ride bikes or scooters and enjoy the weather. WITH OUT me having to chase busy bee around. We are going to have to get my husband some type of motorcycle or something to get him to work by next summer, probably by spring here. There is NO way im walking Julia and Madie back and forth to school when it gets to be 120* outside. And by that time, Madisen will be starting kindergarten, which i think is half day here. So while the exercise of walking to and from the school multiple times a day would be nice..the weather will kill us. Problem is, coming up with the $$ to get one. Gonna have to find a way to budget that in, and save whatever bonus's he gets between then and now.
Ok, well half my kids are dressed and its almost time to start making lunch. It would be so nice to have someone deliver fresh made healthy food for me and the kids, but who also stuck around to do the dishes afterwards hahaha...
Thanks for stopping by....until next time... :)
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