Friday, October 19, 2012

Where does the time go?

My baby was 11 weeks old on Wed.  Geez, where the time go??  I cant believe she will be 3 months old soon!  Ella, my almost 20 month old will be running out of diapers soon, and will then be into pull ups.  Thats when the potty training fully starts.  I've already taken her many times, and we talk about it during the day.  But the effort on my part isnt starting more until pull ups.  Some may say, she still young, etc etc.   But potty training is my area, whether i like it or not.  And i dont lol.  When i worked at Kindercare thats what i did.  The last 2 years i worked there, i had the PRE preschool age.  I had the 2-3 years old.  Ten of them in fact.  As they were potty trained or turning 3 they were moved out into preschool.  They couldnt leave my room until they were fully potty trained though.  I always had them all potty trained by 3.  They would then take all my kiddos and put them in preschool and give me a whole new set of almost 2's or 2 year olds that had to be potty trained.  This was a grueling task but after awhile it becomes a routine.  I sat on my little stool, had a child in front of me, sent them to the mini sized toilet to TRY and potty, and then brought them back, gave them a pull up and sent them on their way.  On to the next kid.  After 10 kids, which was about 30-45 min. later.  I would pretty much have to start all over again, since i took them hourly.   So NOT looking forward to starting that all over again with Ella.  BUT i do believe that potty training a child is more about the parents consistent effort and guidance,  than waiting until the child is ready.  All mine and the ones i nannied were fully done and in underwear by 2.  Julia being the latest, right before her 2nd birthday.  Jack and Lucy and Madie were done at 20 months!  Ella is prob. going to be more like Julia and be closer to her 2nd birthday, she is a stubborn one!!  Might have to do the old M&M reward thing with her, when stickers worked with the rest haha.

Today i get to go to Julia's school at 2 pm to help with pie baking.  Im hoping enough of the parents come to help their own kid that i dont have to have a lot of other kids in my group.   I havent really bonded with any of her classmates this year.  Not like last year when her BFF i just love, and her whole class would give me a high five on the way to their class after the teacher came and got them.  It was soooo cute!  But its still pretty early this year.  Im kinda excited to go to Julia's class and help though, i didnt really do that last year.  I had a baby (Ella) at home and was pregnant and was just NOT feeling it!  I did take home tasks from the teacher though, so i did help in a way :)  She always gave me the BIG ones too, she knew i would return them faster than the other mom helpers lol. And i was happy to help in some way.  They only took one field trip last year, im glad i went on that.  Im so glad those things fall on the days that my husband is home from work and can watch the other kids while i get to go.  He would go, but he doesnt want to have other people's kids in his group that hes responsible for.  You'd think he wouldnt mind since we have enough of our own kids, but thats just it, they are OURS.  I always dreamed of getting to go with my kids on their school adventures and stuff so im hoping Julia will get a field trip or two this year.  No word on any yet though.  

I asked one of the moms about the kindergarten here.  I guess its full day and its free!  Im pretty happy about that, i just hope its not too long of a day for Madisen.  She is going to end up passing out way before bed probably lol.  I'll have to start training the slowest eater EVER on how to hurry up as well because you dont get 45 min. or more to eat lunch at school.  She will probably end up starving the first week until she finally understands you have to speed up and eat to get it down in the time frame they give you.  Here, at home, she takes FOREVER!  Unless its something she really really likes, havent had in awhile, or is extremely hungry.  Otherwise, its a constant thing to tell her to take a bite, chew, swallow...and REPEAT!  With pretty much every sure gets old!  Its gotten a lot better over time.  This time last year, every meal, except breakfast, was a struggle with Madie. She also has a large imagination, so instead of eating, she's playing around.  Her fingers are "spiders" and are always doing something instead of eating!  I swear that child would be on a feeding tube if it werent for me lol.

Got a flyer yesterday about Fall costume ball next friday, still waiting on more info about that.  Wondering if its for all siblings too, or just her.  Probably just her.   Im also waiting to get her school pictures back.  She took them the last week of September, so i thought i'd get them back by now.  They were re-takes because we didnt get to this school or state until after the first set of pictures had already been taken.   Im always nervous about how the pictures will turn out.  Especially this year because she wanted to wear a headband.  Im working on not controlling so much about what she wears and how she wants her hair, so i let her wear the headband.  So many things can go wrong wearing a headband in school pictures lol.  The pictures arent even taken the min. you get to school so who knows how it will look and if her hair was laying ok.  *sigh* We will see!  We wont get another shot at pictures this year, so either way, its gonna be the framed one lol.  

Well the baby is waking up from her cat nap in the swing.  It might have something to do with Ella being near here with some Tinkerbell dominos that she is clanging together quite loudly.  She always likes to say, more like yell "HI BABY, HI AUBEY" as soon as the baby falls asleep.  She isnt using her R's quite yet, but she can say a lot of things already!  And she sure loves her baby sister, which is so awesome! :)  I think i'll start to nap Aubrey in her crib a little more and maybe that will help with her waking so often. She is approaching the age of taking like 3 naps a day, instead of just randomly passing out through out the day haha.  Ahhh, they grow so fast!
Happy Friday!!

Until next time...


  1. Aubrey looks like the Statue of Liberty in that last pic!

  2. I totally understand about the potty training!! I think parents who say when they are ready I will do it, need to remember, how are the kids supposed to know they are ready if you don't try?? That is one thing I am looking forward to do with Ruby is her school activities too, my mom worked a lot when we were young so she kinda missed out BUT when I started B-ball she sure made up for it ;)I really enjoy reading your blog I always do it about this time b/c Ruby is napping!!! Darlene

  3. LoL jennifer! i didnt even notice that until you said something! :)
